Saturday, August 20, 2011


Over the past few years I have become a bit of a photo addict. It all started when I bought my first digital camera and I discovered that taking and sharing photos was more affordable and faster than with film. Recently, my love of digital photography has even transformed into a freelance photography business. Although, taking and sharing photos still holds greater importance to me personally, rather than professionally. A little over two years ago my husband received orders from the Army to move to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. So we packed up and left all of our friends and family in California, and approximately 2,000 miles away. Shortly after moving, our first son was born, and 19 months later, our second little boy. Photos have made it possible for our families to watch the children grow, and to be a part of moments that 
they would otherwise miss.

With the number of photos I take, organizing and sharing can be somewhat time-consuming. Manually uploading pictures to websites like Facebook is not as quick as I would like it to be. Also, because some of the people I would like to share photos with are not on Facebook, I usually have to upload to multiple places or email photos as well. Fortunately, I discovered Fotobounce, a free software program that helps make photo sharing even easier!

Fotobounce is unique from every other photo sharing method I’ve used before. First, Fotobounce software runs directly from your computer as opposed to online website storage or photo sharing sites. Immediately I was impressed with how simple the download and installation process was. After installing Fotobounce, the software launched and I was organizing photos within minutes!

Next, the main feature I love about Fotobounce is the advanced face recognition technology. This tool allows you to sort photos through the software’s recognition of faces. I find this especially helpful because I’ve taken photos for friends or my photography clients on several different dates. I don’t always remember which dates the sessions took place on, however, using identified faces, I am able to find and group photos quickly. Fotobounce even recognized and grouped photos I’ve taken of Jacob over the past year, which is amazing to me considering how much he has grown and changed in appearance! In addition to recognizing faces, Fotobounce also sorts your photos by date, events, places, keywords, and collections. Essentially all of your photos will be effortlessly cataloged and organized!

Finally, I love that  Fotobounce works using a network that you create through inviting friends and family to view your photo libraries. This ensures your photos are kept private, and are only shared with the people you choose to share with. To speed up the sharing process, you can even import contacts from Gmail or Yahoo, as well as create different groups to share with! Connecting with websites like Facebook, Flickr, 
and Twitter is also simple using Fotobounce.

Download Fotobounce for free: 
Currently available for Windows or Mac!

This post was written by Michelle
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Fotobounce. All opinions are 100% my own.

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